Despite social bookmarking, sometimes it’s just hard to remember why you bookmarked a particular website. Who hasn’t spent time reading and re-reading the same webpage, trying to remember what was so important, or where on the page you found your information? MyStickies could be a possible solution for you.
MyStickies is a way to place a virtual sticky note on a website. It’s easy – while on a webpage, you just press ALT (option), then click and drag to create a sticky. That’s it. You can also include text from the webpage on the sticky by highlighting the text, then completing the process. The sticky stays put each time you visit the webpage. You can access all of your stickies at the MyStickies website. Furthermore, you can tag your stickies for better organization.
This can be useful for students and teachers. Teachers can use stickies to point out pertinent information when guiding students to a particular website. Since the stickies stay put, it eliminates the dialogue of, “halfway down the page, on the left, underneath the fourth picture of George Washington.” From the student perspective, it is great for sharing ideas in a group or sharing critical thinking ideas about a topic. Instead of blogging, students could post a sticky with their thoughts right on the page. Supposedly, one can also choose a color of a sticky so that you can determine between thoughts or users (I was not able to access that function).
Right now, MyStickies is in full effect for FireFox only. The creators have stated that they are making extensions for Internet Explorer and Safari as well (Wright, 2009). MyStickies is rated #20 of Fabry’s (2007) “100 Quick Firefox Tips, Tricks, and Tweaks to Transform Your Research”.
Fabry, L. (2007, August). 100 quick firefox tips, tricks, and tweaks to transform your research. Retrieved October 17, 2009 from
Wright, J. (2009, April 21). MyStickies: Still alive and kicking. Retrieved October 17, 2009 from
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